

How can i can i get a deep voice?

i plan on singing in a metal band and right now my voice sounds like s*** when i sing and also a voice as deep as that guy from ownage pranks is sexy and he can do multiple voices so maybe i could to if i had a deeper voice

Best Answer - Chosen by Voters:
Speak slowly -- The more time you spend on each letter, the more exercise your voice gets.

Speak softly -- Not a whisper, mind you. But dont *push* it. That will not make it happen faster and could possibly hinder your efforts.

Do it every day -- (Every day during the three weeks - not every day for the rest of whatever!) 15 minutes is not a lot of time, so dont be lazy. You can do this while youre in the shower.

Dont talk through your nose -- There is a slight tendency for people to do this when developing this part of their voice. It will make you sound like you have a cold. Not sexy.

Exhale slowly while you are speaking -- Learning to do this will give you excellent control over your voice. Many people working on their voice have a tendency to hold their breath when speaking. It doesnt sound natural. Make sure you dont do this.

Dont underestimate the power of speaking softly -- There is a special groove located between speaking quietly and whispering - find that spot and your woman will turn to mush.

Having a voice problem can steal your social status and reduce your social power. A man with a deep crisp consistent voice typically gets credibility and trust even if they dont deserve it simply because to the human ear, a deep crisp voice sounds sincere.

It is true to a certain extent, that voice timber is reflective of the inner attitude of confidence and sureness in a particular individual. For those that dont need medical assistance, this voice deepening can be achieved by using techniques and exercises that can literally transform the environment of the larynx.

Some men however may be suffering this affliction due to a lack of testosterone in their body. There was a recent study that correlated a high voice with depression and the cause of depression in men in a significant number of cases is a lack of testosterone.

For the majority however, it is more of an attitudinal problem and not medical. For this group there are non surgical and non pharmaceutical answers to the issues however, there is strong benefit in simple confidence. Social confidence can do a lot to alleviate the symptom of squeaky, high pitched voice and can actually repair the problem to a large extent.

The voice box after all is a muscle group and these muscles can easily be trained and strengthened to a large degree and that is the type of therapy that should be sought if getting a deeper voice is your goal. When the voice box is relaxed and limber, it can produce a better quality sound, much like a guitar string that is wound lower to produce a lower sound.

If you would like to get access to Voice training software and specific instructions on how to quickly transform the depth of your voice tone in a matter of days,

Other Answers:
Listen to Justin Bieber songs.

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