

How might ones moral, religious and ethical values influence their thoughts and opinions on art?

How might ones moral, religious and ethical values influence their thoughts and opinions on art?

Best Answer

A devout Muslim would be opposed to a painting showing Muhammad. A devout Christian might be inspired a painting showing the ba Jesus or the Crucifixion. A persons morality may make them dislike paintings of nudes or homoerotic images. Ethical values may make someone dislike an image of a hunter and a dead animal, or some glorification of war.

Other Answers (1)

It depends on what they see when they look at the piece of art, what message they think the art work is displaying and whether they agree with the message. Whether they agree with the message would be what is influenced their moral, religious and ethical values. For example the message could oppose what the persons religion teaches them, so they might decide that they dont like the piece of art.

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