

What goes through your mind when you see an insect crawling on you?

i start hitting myself lol -_-
and people look at me like wtf is she doing o_O

Best Answer - Chosen by Voters:
I will seriously just run and flail my arms around until it comes off.

And then I will ask someone every 5 minutes if its gone.

Other Answers:
I think Quit checking out the real estate buddy, therell be plenty of time for that when Im dead, and you and all your chums will be welcome to make an all you care to eat buffet of me.|||It goes a little something like this.. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qlw7GQHB5…|||Well depends what kind of bug, I dont really get scared. But in some cases it freaks me out quite a bit, so I just flick it off of me lol.|||Murder murder murder, kill kill kill|||I usually try to bring it outside.|||Ewwwwwwwwwwwwwwww!!!!!!!

Thats the first thing that goes through my mind.

The second is Get it off! Get it off!|||i flick it off.
or calmly ask someone ti brush it off.

and if its one of those assassin bugs or an ugly spider it gets squished|||I actually die inside|||I put it back in the garden where it belongs.|||lol, gay of you|||HOLY SH*TBALLS. Thats what goes through my mind.|||My eyes go wide and in my head Im just like Shiiiiiiiiiiit, get it off.

*shudder*|||I use my hand to slap it off my shoulder|||my chest tightens and stop drop and rollllll

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